Novamedia Film and contributors

Nova Media Film aims to work for film production in central and western Jutland in Denmark with an international view.

Recently, we have been manufacturer of cinema documentary "The voice of life" and earlier short film "Primers". Furthermore, we have produced feature film "God's children" and the short film "Zimmerfrei". The Company is a non-profit corporation, and the implementation of new projects is dependent on support from external sources.

No money no movie

The film has been funded with support from below. Their contribution has been crucial to the film today is a reality.
Thanks a lot

Anne Holst Moulvad

Den Vestdanske Filmpulje   



Herning Kommune                                                       

Midtjysk Skole – og Kulturfond                                   

Ege Fonden                                                                   

Lysgaard Fonden                                                          

Helle Mau Jensens og døtres alm. nyttige fond     

Aage Damgaard Aps       

Støtteforening for TV/MIDT-VEST        

Lanceringsstøtte: Det Danske Filminstitut